[API 6.x/7.x] FoxGuard - The flexible world protection solution


This is why you have to grab the -server.jar



Whoa whoa. Limit the yiffing :slight_smile:

I’ve never ran with the -server,jar before as far as I’m aware and it’s always functioned fine.
In fact I believe that it didn’t work for me when I first tried that assuming it would be correct.

From FoxGuard-0.19.2-dev-api5-298 and FoxCore-0.9.3-api5-146 based on the back-ups I have stored.

Just throwing a reminder / pointer for people to download it in the GitHub release would likely help out if you’re being spammed by people asking for it.

I would, except i’m not keen on typing it out every time, and I also figured that it should be pretty self explanatory… Oh well…

At some point i’ll poke my boyfriend to get a real downloads page set up for me. One that will give you the correct jar every time.

But yeah. I updated the original post to highlight the information.

On Gfox.net?
That was down last I looked :frowning:
But if you wish for help with websites that I can do.
Just begun a crash-course in Java but I’m comfortable enough with HTML and CSS :slight_smile:

And it was explanatory as I’m quite sure I tried it first, way back when, but it didn’t function.
The non-specified files did.

gravityfox.net has been down for a while.

My computer is in uni, and I can’t really port forward properly.

the files will be hosted on a different site, in some way shape or form, once everything is set up.

Hi, I have an error when I type the command / fg wand

Sponge forge : spongeforge-1.10.2-2107-6.0.0-BETA-1844

Foxcore : foxcore-0.10.1-api5-202-server

Foxguard : foxguard-0.20.1-api5-345-server

Tell me… What does it say on the third line of that picture?

Clearly your username is not a valid wand type…

Here’s a hint: Try typing /fg wand , and then hitting the tab key. Maybe the command will help you.

Also I’m in a grouchy mood because I donated my coffee money to wikipedia, which means I have no coffee.

But in all serious, at least TRY to figure out if it’s a problem with the plugin before you start posting saying there’s an error…

Although, for your sake, I will edit the documentation.

Thx, /fg wand [TAB]

If you read carefully, you’ll notice that the player is an optional argument, in case you want to give someone ELSE a wand. It also means you can run this command from console.

However, to specify a player, you need to use the optional player flag, which looks like this:

/fg wand --p:Heriptik position

I just updated the in-game documentation to account for the type parameter though.

@gravityfox can you tell me what the difference between sglobal and wglobal are?

sglobal applies to the whole server, wglobal applies to the world I believe

@AsyDRabbit is right.

If you type /fg list regions, you’ll notice one world global region for each world, with a single server global region that doesn’t show a world.

Hey wanted to ask is there any way to give players access to pressure plates without giving access to break/change blocks?

allow block modify

ohk will do that thank you, will keep block change in false so they cant destroy blocks

it’s based on order, so the entry at the top has higher priority.

oh thats why they still couldn’t access pressure plates, is there any way to change priorities?

Yes. It’s easiest in-game - just list the handler details (/fg det h [Handler]) and hover over the flag entries with the mouse. That should let you do things like change the number of the flag entry, or clear it. From memory, the flag sets are numbered from the top, starting at 1.

They start at zero, but close enough.

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