Broadcast - Automatically make broadcasts to your server

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, Broadcast. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


Broadcast Build Status

A sponge plugin for sending automated messages to your server.

This plugin is designed to be a simple and lightweight plugin for sending information to your players. Whether it be new server updates, social media links, or shoutouts, you need a simple way to communicate with players.


This free and open source software is licensed under GPL v3. You can read more about our license here.

Want to help out? Fork me on Github.

Donations of any kind are always appreciated. Donate here!



  • Java 8
  • SpongeVanilla or SpongeForge

Installation Steps

  1. Download Broadcast to your server.
  2. Place the downloaded jar file in your mods folder.
  3. Restart your server.
  4. Done! Now you can move onto configuration.


Default Config

        text="Thank you for choosing Broadcast!"
        text="This plugin was written by zachoooo."
        text="Edit the configuration to put your own messages in."
                clickEvent {
        text="Fork me on "
prefix {
            text="] "

delay: The time in seconds between broadcasts being displayed

prefix: Some text displayed before a broadcast to indicate that the message is a broadcast.

random: Whether or not to display the messages randomly or in order.

no-repeat: If random is set to true, then don’t repeat the same message twice.

You can use configuration formatting from here:

There are some generators that you can use to help you format chat:



  • Java 8
  • Git
  • Gradle (Packaged with project)

Note: If you do not have Gradle installed then use ./gradlew for Unix systems or Git Bash and gradlew.bat for Windows systems in place of any ‘gradle’ command.

Run the following commands to build the project yourself.

git clone
cd Broadcast
gradle build

The compiled jar will be located in ./build/libs.


  • zachoooo

A new version has been released for Broadcast, it is available for download here.

Added /broadcast-reload command to reload the configuration file.

Can you make it so we can use JSON text?

Definitely will do. I already opened up the issue a little while ago. It’s a pretty small change and hopefully I can get it done ASAP.

A new version has been released for Broadcast, it is available for download here.

Fixes #2

Please note that this will break existing configurations as it requires that you use JSON text formatting.

Tip: Since you don’t modify the ConfigurationNode after loading it, rather than loading the asset’s URL and loading the config and saving it, you could just use Asset#copyToFile(Path).

A new version has been released for Broadcast, it is available for download here.

Minor change to default configuration as well as modifying default configuration copying.

A new version has been released for Broadcast, it is available for download here.

Plugin has a new option called “no-repeat” which prevents repeats from being displayed with random messages. Also added command support. Just create a message that starts with a slash and it will be interpreted as a command and executed by the console.

Yo about to check out your plugin will back real soon with detailed comment on your functionality.

Yo my dude can you add in a plugin reload pleaseeeeee that would be epic my dude.

You can already reload using /sponge plugins reload

hey @zachoooo i have another recomendation if you could please consider adding to where rather instead of adding the colors to the message via the color tag. Could you rather allow the color to be implemented via the message section such as the broadcast prefix being let me give you an example : &8&lBROADCAST, which would make it a dark gray and bold. and also allow for the extra’s to like &k,&u,&b,&l. you know all the color codecs for minecraft if you could do this in the message section rather than the color section that would be super epic bro because right now its kinda confusing actually on how to use this

sorry to be a annoying yet again i am having issues i really would like to see your plugin flourish however i have an idea maybe you can implement what i had said before in this format

{“messages”:Any text here.}
And within the messages area you can implement the colors as i had mentioned before as well as adding a feature that allows links to be clickable within the messages area.
{“random”:true or false}
{“no-repeat”:true or false

If you would like help looking into this or implementing this i can look at it however i would really appreciate it if you could teach me how to setup your project on my own IDE or just do it on your own anyways man keep up the good work and let me know what you think of this because honestly this would be super epic if you can simplify it a bit. And also if you were to allow me to help you on this i wouldnt want any credit i would just send you the parts of it i had edited and or the project reconfigured this is your plugin and i want it kept that way. But thanks in advanced.

I’m afraid I don’t totally understand what you’re asking for here. Are you just saying that the configuration is too complicated and want it simplified like Bukkit YAML plugins?

I know that it is not entirely possible to make it just like a bukkit yaml system however if you could possibly get it setup the way i have previously mentioned [quote=“zachoooo, post:14, topic:17982”]
{“messages”:Any text here.}
And within the messages area you can implement the colors as i had mentioned before as well as adding a feature that allows links to be clickable within the messages area.
{“random”:true or false}
{“no-repeat”:true or false

that would be an epic layout and super easy to use and make it universal also if you would like to voice chat on the matter we could do that to just let me know in a pm what your skype or discord is and we can have a more detailed chat on what i mean ok bro im not trying to make you change anything just making a suggestion

I actually had it that way in an early version of the plugin, but it was very restrictive. The old color code format doesn’t let you do a lot of the things that are available in this new formatting system. You are able to do all sorts of cool things like colored clickable links or programmable actions that aren’t possible without this new formatting system.

Hey bugging you again lol but ok so your github do you allow others to modify your plugin or?

Because i actually need help if we are able to do that because i would love to help looking into implementing things like a project ive never made a sponge plugin before but i know how to its just im not sure how to set it up properly through intellij

like via the github i dont know how i would go about setting your plugin up into the intellij so i can see whats being called etc and maybe we could use the broadcasting channels from sponge api

I am open to contributions on Github, but I am not able to help teach you about programming.