Broadcast - Automatically make broadcasts to your server

What there is isn’t a totally arbitrary, proprietary format. It’s the Minecraft JSON chat message structure, but written in the configuration. It’s super convenient because everyone already knows the structure, and you can do anything with it.

There are several links, both in the topic post and the GitHub readme, which ask you to fork it. And this question is what the extremely common LICENSE file is for.

There are several tutorials on how to do something like this, all available via our benevolent overlords.

API 7 ?:cry: 1.12.x

Love the plugin @zachoooo - thanks for making it!

API 7 ?:cry: 1.12.x


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A new version has been released for Broadcast, it is available for download here.

Updated API version to run on latest server version.

Is there any way to put in line breaks?

How can I use line breaks?

Hey, sorry I’m new to making a server so I don’t understand much, is there a config I can replace the default one with if I just want one message an it to have a link in it? so far I have this Screenshot by Lightshot which works fine doing what I want it to but the other boxes I’ve removed the text but in game when I guess it sends the message the blank ones just show a blank bar?