C# Port for better Performance on Windows Servers?

Nevertheless a complete rewrite or heavy optimization of MC is badly needed to improve performance.
I’m thinking of a better/efficient rendering engine and multithreaded chunkloading.

And yes, people running a mc server on Windows should feel bad.


Did you say something about changes to the rendering engine?

There are rumors about possible changes to at least clouds in 1.9.

That was from 2014, and TheMogMiner left Mojang.

Don’t get your hopes up :wink:

And i wondered why he was so quiet… Sadly he was one oft the few guys at mojang who optimized OpenGL.

That’s the goal of MCServer

Isn’t it based of packet and protocol hacking since Minecraft Server is made on Java?

Not really any “hacking” to speak of. It’s the same protocol, just implemented in C++ rather in Java.

Packets typically aren’t specific to one language.

Sponge API can be converted via jnibridge and similar, then wrapped. Like forge and vanilla wrappers, guess. I’ll do it if it will cover forge stuff and client mods. Converting forge is a pain in ass.
If forge had a API like Sponge, the problem would disappear, but my Java is a bit bad for it. Current snapshot would be enoug.

MCServer could do it too. JNI. But only if it share same architectur as Sponge API

I guess you can override all the network traffic flow(packet send/receive) of a minecraft client and make the server out of it. Not sure if that’s how the vanilla minecraft server did it’s thing.