πŸ“‹ [ALPHA] Macros - Simplify your command usage with Macros! V1.0A4

okay great, definitely looking forward to that one thanks Cube

Alpha 3 is realeased. This does not include sudo or other commands yet, that is planned for the next version.

Notable changes:

  • /quickmacro <name> <content> can be used with ; to separate lines.
  • /macro <macroname> can now be used to run a macro.
  • {User} can be used to grab the name of the user running the macro
  • {=#=} can be used to grab all arguments after #

Next version I plan on adding macro-only commands, planned commands are in README.md

Alpha 4 is realeased. This does include sudo and other commands.

Notable changes:

This release features the β€œsudo” macro command allowing the user to run commands as console. More information on sudo can be found here.

So… I ended up forgetting about this for a long while… Now its finally here! As always feedback is appreciated and welcomed; it actually drives me to continue working on this.