Crowdin UserScript - Useful Links

Last week I spent some time translating the docs. The result? My Language was 55% translated.

This week I opened Crowdin and guess what, my language was 45% translated.

So I tried to understand why were there strings getting de-translated. It is happening because there are several people reviewing the docs and correcting errors. On Transifex, the old translation was still available and the differences were marked; Crowdin still saves the old translations in the TM (Translation Memory), but it doesn’t mark the differences, forcing the translator to review thoroughly the string and find the minor difference that made the string get de-translated. Well, I got a bit tired of it, so I made a simple userscript that adds a link on the Crowdin translation page to the file on GitHub you’re currently translating. You can install it [here][1]. This link takes you directly to the history page of the file you’re translating, allowing you to check the latest editions.

I appreciate suggestions :slight_smile:


EDIT: It would seem that proofreaders are able to see the differences, so this becomes kind of useless. Nevertheless, it’s here for future reference.


Yes proofreader see the differences marked in red and green. There’s an option to force Crowdin to suggest matches which are not 100% perfect, too. I just discovered it on the top right of the translation tab. Just click on the gearwheel, select the Translation memory tab and choose “fuzzy” with a percentage <100% (85% works for me). This way Crowdin suggests old translations if only small changes were applied to the string :smile:

So, I came up with another idea :slight_smile:

What if the userscript created a second link, as shown below?

It’s already implemented! You can try it out by installing the userscript (or updating it ;)), using the link above.
It takes into account the language to which you’re translating at the moment so that the Docs are opened in that language.