[DISCONTINUED] [Lag Remover] [4.0.0+] TwentyTicks - Clearlag, but simpler

I was wondering if I would be allowed to use this name as it is now discontinued. My current project, ClearMob is also a variation of ClearLagg, and supports many things such as modded minecraft.


Really? That’s good to know.

Is it offline now? Yes right?

It still works on the latest sponge version.

hello,i have a question, i set " /config/twentyticks.json " autoPurge=false.But the plugin will still clean up automatically.How can I set the instructions?

Does this still work? It’s a shame it’s discontinued.

Error Solved Permissions!
no: twentyticks.command.namegoeshere
yes: twentyticks.commands.namegoeshere <---- miss the letter S
example: twentyticks.commands.cleanup true

No hablo ingles, bye :wink: