Easy Scoreboards [v2.5.1]

I’m trying to uninstall the plugin because I no longer want to use it but after removing the jar and config file the scoreboard still appears on the side of the screen. I can’t seem to figure out how to make it go away even after multiple restarts…is there a file for the GUI somewhere or something?

Sponge itself keeps track of the scoreboard. There is the file world/data/scoreboard.dat in your server folder.
As you probably don’t have any other scoreboards you can just delete this file. Once you create a new scoreboard the file is automatically newly created by Sponge.

In case you have somehow manually created scoreboards that you have to keep, you can leave ESB in the mods folder and in the config set showForAll to false.


You failed to add defaults so people actually know how to edit this plugin to get working… the original
number = “1, text = Online : %server_online% / %server_max_players%”
doesn’t work. it throws an error because of the “=” so whats the example

"number=1, text = Online : %server_online% / %server_max_players%”

I am having a problem where everyones scoreboard is the same as the last player to log on. Any ideas what could be wrong?

i had same issue downgraded to version EasyScoreboards 2.4.1 and issue is fixed


Cheers mate, works perfect now. :slight_smile:

Why is the player’s ID displayed incorrectly?

How to make 2 commands,

I use : /esb countdown set <Seconds> <Command>

Exemple : /esb countdown set 15 “esb hideall”,“say test”

This don’t work


Hi @YottaFLOPS

I tested ur plugin but I have two bugs, and I’m running the latest Sponge Forge version and the latest version of your plugin :

  • I have a yellow zero near the nickname in tab, and impossible to turn it off ;

  • With %PLAYERBALANCE%, the money appears yes, but it’s the balance of a random player on the server, not of myself…

*Edit: also, the scoreboard appears and disappers every 0,1s, like a flash u know… and I don’t know why

Please, can u fix it asap ?

**Edit: With the 2.4.1 version, all problems solved !

But, I think u have to resolve the issues mentionned previously, for the others players

I also have it. Through this the plugin is useless.

if your plugin worked like showing just my stats to me and not everyone else i would use it but i dont want everyone else seeing my stats thats supposed to be for me only fix the scoreboard to where everyone can see just their own stats not everyone elses and fix the flickering of the scoreboard

I believe what is being said here is:
“There are some features your plugin is missing that i was wondering if they could be added:
It seems everyone can see Scoreboards; is there a way you could make it some they are personal to the user?
Also the scoreboards flicker a lot; i think this is a bug, has it been reported?”

Can this plugin work on multiple worlds it would be very cool to remove the scoreboard once you enter a world and re-enabling it when u enter another one just to create a hub thing right?
And also basically doing multiple scoreboards and not just one.
Is it possible?

P.S. Also the PlaceHolderApi doesn’t work with the multiplecurrencies in EconomyLite plugin, I don’t know if it is a ESB problem or Economylite one but just in case wanted to show u

 "number=5, text=&c&l> ;&6&lTokens:",
 "number=4, text=&e&o৳%economy_balance_token%",
 "number=3, text=&c&l> ;&6&lOnline Players:",



"number=4, text=&e&o৳%economy_balance_token%",


"number=4, text=&e&o> ;%economy_balance_token%",


Hey I am having a small problem with the scoreboard I have everything I was set up but it shows one players stats for the entire server how would I fix this?
I’m on: sponge forge-1.12.2-2838-7.2.2
with: the newest version of easyscoreboard

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Wrong player info
Every player see the info of the first player who joined the server.!!!