How do I use <>?

So I am getting slightly frustrated with typing things like command documentation, for this reason:
There should be something here ->. <derp!> <- There isn’t.
Does anyone know a way of being able to properly type <​derp!> (which is what I wrote above) without pasting in a zero-width space each time?

You could make it code: <derp!>





< derp> also works (note the whitespace). same as <.derp> or
<derp> ( `<derp>` that is)

this is a codeblock
<derp> ← this is `<derp>` inside a codeblock

works too :wink:

codeblock: use > and indent all following lines which should be in the block.

Well, if the only non-codeblock solution involves whitespace, I guess I’ll just keep pasting in my zero-width spaces.

Sorry, but that’s not a codeblock :frowning:

this is a blockquote


> this is a *blockquote*

this is a "fenced" codeblock (which defaults to Java)


this is a "fenced" codeblock (which defaults to Java)

this is a plain text codeblock


this is a plain text codeblock

def something(self):
    print "believe in yourself"
    # this is a Python codeblock


def something(self):
    print "believe in yourself"
    # this is a Python codeblock

this is also a codeblock, but it's indented with four spaces. don't use this one.
this one defaults to plain text so it might be useful in some situations but generally
it's just hard to edit.


    this is also a codeblock, but it's indented with four spaces. don't use this one.
    this one defaults to plain text so it might be useful in some situations but generally
    it's just hard to edit.

As an aside, the other solution is to use < (&lt;) and > (&gt;).


My bad. Thanks for the correction :slight_smile: