ObsidianBreaker - Make obsidian blocks damageable by explosions

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, ObsidianBreaker. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


  • Custom blocks for mods
  • Custom block health


blocks {
    "minecraft:obsidian"=2 // Number of explosions in order to break the block

The command ‘/obsidianbreaker’ reloads the config, the permission is ‘obsidianbreaker.reload’



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Are you planning on releasing the source?

Do you want it?

It’s just a question :slight_smile: Most of us release our plugin source on GitHub, there’s settings for it in the Ore page.

I know

I’ll put it on Github for the next release

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A new version has been released for ObsidianBreaker, it is available for download here.

Added ‘/obsidianbreaker’ to reload the config

Could you add a durability stick?

You can with the stick right-click on the block can make and then sees how much TNT is still necessary.

How do I add id’s that are the same name just different number? For instance I have ompd:hardened, ompd:hardened:1,ompd:hardened:2
But when I try “ompd:hardened:2”=2 or ompd:hardened[tier=5] it doesnt work

It’s a shame this plugin only seems to work with blocks that are already indestructable. i’d really like it if i could defined the number of TNT it takes to blow up any block i wanted