Player Glow - Allows players to glow in various colors

Pokemon will glow forever

IIUC I am having the same issue with the EntityParticles plugin. Once an effect has been applied to the to a poke, it eventually stays as it is.

  1. Apply effect to poke
  2. Recall poke
  3. Throw poke out
  4. Remove particles with remover item
  5. Recall and throw poke
  6. The particles are again on the poke

I think thatā€™s the same thing here somehow.

And poke deals to other players, the glow effect still exists

This works as intended on vanilla mobs, so this must be a bug on the side of pixelmon itself, you can turn off Glow on ride in the config.

How to close?:sweat_smile:

Right, Iā€™ve also said this to my users that the pokes arenā€™t saved correctly. The plugins all do their things fine.

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Will this be updated for compatibility with the newer sponge versions?

Going to go out on limb and say no strictly because the dev archived the source and stated on Ore that it will not work with newer versions. Could probably just fork it and updated if you wanted.

I mean it still works but all the glows look weird. The entire player becomes the glow you canā€™t even see their skin anymore. I wonder if thatā€™s what he meant by ā€œwill not work with newer versionsā€