Project Borders

You can actually make the generator running super fast by setting tickInterval to 1 and chunkCount to something insanely high. It’s just a matter of whether or not the server can handle it. It’s really all about finding that sweet spot between speed and reliability for your specific needs.

Just to give some insight, I just ran this on my laptop with 1G allocated to the server, with tickInterval set to 20 on a border with the diameter of 2000, and it took about 10 minutes to complete. Honestly I don’t think that’s bad at all. Now that will vary depending on the number of mods loaded, player etc.

Deathwhitch’s world is 72 times bigger, running at what interval?

Ok I seemed to have messed up my flags so it was actually running at the default tickInverval of 10. Not taken into account other variables a world that size would take roughly 12 hours

Just pushed some updates. Next release will send a broadcast every 1 minute when generator is running. If you feel that’s too much I can knock it down to like 5 minutes. Not sure when I’ll push a release yet. Still bug testing some other changes after taken some of @pie_flavor advice.

Can you make the broadcaster optional? I wouldn’t use it at all, yet I run this with players on.

Love the % messages. They seem to be console only but do help :slight_smile:

After making my world 2500 in diameter and testing the generator feature it works without crashing now in a relatively short amount of time, however now I have the problem of it not generating structures. They generate if done by a player in game like normal but using the plugin I get a full gen map but it has no minecraft generated structures in it. I made several maps thinking I was unlucky on structures before I noticed it was only the maps i did a full gen with the plugin that where missing villages etc. Is there a way to make it gen structures like normal?

As stated in the past, the pre-gen features are handled by Sponge. I’m just making use of what the API has to offer. If structures are not generating it’s a problem within Sponge.

Pregenned a 12000x12000 world and then had to force close the server and delete the latest.log cos it was larger than the world file itself, i haven’t checked but is there any time configuration? Or could you just set the notifications to only run when the % changes?

[Deleted by author]

You’ve already mentioned this. Please refer to two posts prior.

So I did, sorry I have had the flu here and just got well enough to get out of bed. Couldn’t remember what on my to do list I had done yet lol I’ll delete that post. Carry on, keep up the good work

Hope you feel better soon…Heisenberg

Seems like sub commands are not displaying. Not sure if it’s a bug or not.

Could anyone explain this more to me:
.addUsage("/border generate [–stop] [–verbose] [-i ] [-p ] [-c ]")

tickInverval I know 1 seconds 20 ticks? So what does this mean.
tickPercent also have no clue how this works.
chunks I assume is just how many chunks to try during that period?

How would say 5 chunks in 1 second look like then say 20 chunks in 1 second?

Also made a bug report on Sponge

The usage issue is a Sponge bug. It was fixed in one of the 5.0.0 snapshots but since 5.0.0 release the problem has returned.

tickInterval - Sets the interval between generation runs

tickPercent - Sets the limit of tick time that can be used to generate chunks as a percentage of tickInterval. The percentage should be a value in the range (0, 1).

chunkCount - Sets maximum number of chunks per tick to generate.

Not sure what your asking here. It all depends on the parameters and server performance.


How can I delete a border?

The border can’t be deleted. The world always has a border even before setting one. You simply need to set the border diameter to the Minecraft default of 60000000 and set center to 0

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Is there a trim command for this? Some of the terrain gen causes an entire biome to render even if it’s out of the bounds, I’d like to square off the edges.

so what command would be used to pregen 50000 blocks from spawn ???

Does this plugin use the worldborder setting from the