Rank Upper is not working correctly

I have 2 ranks in rank upper on a 1.10.2 spongeforge server. After the player ranks up to the 2nd rank and types /ru check it ranks them back up to the 2nd one but not the 3rd one.

default {
    # Commands to execute when promote. These commands will depend on your permission plugin.
        "lp user {player} parent remove {oldgroup}",
        "lp user {player} parent set regular"
    message-broadcast="&a>> The player &6{player} &ahas played for &6{time} &aand now is rank {newgroup} on server."
regular {
        "lp user {player} parent remove group {oldgroup}",
        "lp user {player} parent add group babygor"
    message-broadcast="&a>> The player &6{player} &ahas played for &6{time} &aand now is rank {newgroup} on server."

I am using lucky perms not pex. The rank up thing for lucky perms works but it never ranks the player to the babygor group.

So… put it on their Github… This is the sponge forums, not support for individual pliugins.