:shipit: SeriousVote 4.8.4 ―Your one stop Votifier Listener API 5/6/7

So this plugin requires votifier (nuvotifier). Once you install it, it create a folder in config called nuvotifier. Inside that folder is a folder called rsa, open it and there should be a public.txt, the text inside is your key.

All data is processed! Check if voting would work on your server…
=> Connection with Votifier NOT OK. - Saved your settings. - Port / IP is incorrect. Check your firewall. See message of above.
Results second test: Votifier ERROR. Check your configuration!

Thats what i get :frowning:

thank you! now my server has a better chance of recovering

The default votifier port is 8194, if you haven’t changed the config make sure it’s set to that. If you are hosting at home make sure those ports are properly forwarding, and if you are using a node based hosting service check with them to see what port you can use for votifier.

What do i fill in the Votifier Ip ?

This should be (usually) your server, without a port.

I’d like to correct myself and say that the default votifier port is 8192 not 8194. I use 8194 for testing and I got confused.

No worries :slight_smile:
https://github.com/NuVotifier/NuVotifier/releases/tag/v2.3.3217 (SpongeAPI 4.x)

Is it normal i only see API4.x tho ?
im running API 5

https://github.com/NuVotifier/NuVotifier/releases/tag/v2.3.3217 (SpongeAPI 4.x)

Is it normal i only see API4.x tho ?
im running API 5

Wrong, the address must be the numeric ip your server uses but the port in nuvotifier is usually 8192 so you got that right and the public key is obtained by copying the key inside the public.key file in the nuvotifier main file.

The “ip” doesn’t have to be numeric. The dns servers take care of getting numeric “ips”.

oh ok, didnt know that

It hasn’t been updated to use the latest API but it’s not really a big deal. Nothing breaks.

It worked an hour ago, and now i downloaded your plugn and the websites cant connect to the votifier no more for some reason :frowning:

How odd… it seemly wont give me any rewards dont work, like endii said. But the weirdest part is that a previous update, 1.8.4 version of seriousvote did work with the rewards. Strange, isnt it?

Did you update your configs to incorporate the new changes?

@Endii My plugin doesn’t mess with anything on votifier’s side. It just listens for a vote if you pm me I can help you out maybe,

yes, i did update the config

would you mind sharing your config with me

Everything seems to be working on my servers.

I can only guess that maybe in the code it requires all the reward lines you made, in which deleting any or making more would cause it to stop working. Cause it stops working on the votes since i removed some reward lines.