Sleep Vote - Vote to skip the night by sleeping in a bed!

Not sure if this is a bug or not…I remember going to root - config - sleepvote and there being a config file in there for me to mess with…The folder is empty…tried doing some basic sleepvote commands in game nothing, slept nothing no sleep vote…thought myabe I installed 0.5.1 wrong so I re downloaded and filezilla ftp it over to the mods folder again (after turning off server and removing old 0.5.1.jar file and sleepvote folder in the config folder of course). still no luck…no config file.

Wow, can’t believe I missed that!
A quick fix is coming up.

A new version has been released for Sleep Vote, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed a bug in which the configuration file was not created on the first startup

Made for Sponge API 5.1.0 and Minecraft 1.10.2
Forward compatible with Sponge API 6.0.0 and Minecraft 1.11.2

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And there is no problem when you delete the configuration file then reload the server. Perfect :slight_smile:

We get the warning that it is built on top of API 5.1 but it’s ok with API 6.1.

The compatibility notice is there just for those who ask.

A new version has been released for Sleep Vote, it is available for download here.


  • Added a new configuration option “ignore_admins” which ignores players with the permission ‘sleepvote.hidden’
  • Changed how the ‘hide’ and ‘mute’ commands work. They no longer work by using permissions and instead the plugin keeps track instead. You can now spam those commands without needing to wait, they apply instantaneously, and now work 100% of the time. The only downside to the new method is that players will have to re-apply the command if the server restarts.
  • Added a new configuration option “unhide_warning” which lets the player know of any other factors that keep them from being visible from the plugin after trying to unhide themselves with the ‘hide’ command
  • Added a new command: ‘/sleepvote status’ which tells the player whether or not they are hidden from sleep votes, and whether or not they have SleepVote’s sounds muted
  • Added a new configuration option “required_number_sleeping” that works in combination with the percentage. This can be disabled by assigning it a value <= 0. The plugin will pick the lower of the two requirements (percent vs number).
  • Fixed a bug in which a player could jump unto a bed, immediately execute ‘sleepvote hide’, and add themselves to the vote while still subtracting 1 from total player count
  • Changed version naming convention to something be more… pronounced
  • Added some cool-looking checksums! Because, why not?

Made for Sponge API 5.1.0 and Minecraft 1.10.2
Forward compatible with versions up to and including Sponge API 7.0.0 and Minecraft 1.12

MD5: 419f29acc07ab5d427a3b8b3f0eb61ca
SHA1: 57ddd39e7f376bcba6fe5f0f2ea3b6709550f1f3

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I’m running out of ideas for this plugin!
Unless there are any more feature requests, this plugin will soon be moving into it’s Pre-Release stage!
Please report any bugs you find as well! Preferably in the Issue Tracker

It’s perfect at the moment, you should just wait for suggestions or bug reports :slight_smile:

A new version has been released for Sleep Vote, it is available for download here.

The optimization update and first pre-release!


  • Removed the default yellow color of the wake up, enter bed, and exit bed messages
  • Added support for Minecraft formatting codes in the aforementioned messages. Formatting codes are prefixed with ‘\u00A7’ instead of ‘§’
  • Simplified the permission structure for commands
  • Changed the configuration file to “” so that it’s less confusing
  • Made the ‘status’ command more visually appealing
  • Removed the useless “unhide_warning” configuration property in favor of having more succint and straight-to-the-point messages that say the same thing
  • Added a similar message for the ‘mute’ command if the server has sounds disabled in the configuration file
  • Fixed a bug in which a player was not removed from votes when they got out of bed using unconventional methods
  • Improved performance

Made for Sponge API 5.1.0
Forward compatible up to Sponge API 6.0.0
(May not work with the upcoming PR merges for Sponge API 7)

MD5: 3ea53c88d5495294b386066c60b40887
SHA1: ba68aadc47bfcc51135f188044c0ee1135b50109


A new version has been released for Sleep Vote, it is available for download here.

Sorry for the long delay since the last update.
If you’re looking for big new features, it’s not here (yet).
However, this version fixes a few things (like making it work for Minecraft 1.12) and ignoring vanished players.


  • Versioning no longer has the -PRE-RELEASE tag. It’s been around for quite a while without any major bugs.
  • Using a new versioning format: a.b.c-Sx.y. “a” changes when the old config no longer works. “b” changes when new features are added that don’t break the old config. “c” changes as bug fixes are added. “-Sx.y” means this version is built around Sponge API x.y
  • Update to Sponge API 7.x (for Minecraft 1.12.x) thanks to BrainStone’s Contribution
  • Exclude vanished players from sleep voting