The Banning Game

@TBotV63 was banned for I’m bored

@Quicksteve was banned for being Bored.

@DotDash was banned for brainfuck is an amazing language.

@Quicksteve was banned for cussing.

@MrMysteri0us was banned for being Chuck Norris.

@MrMysteri0us was banned cause I don’t wanna go to school now.

@thomas15v was banned for sleeping :sleeping: in Java lessons (lesson 1 how to make your main method).

(EDIT: why I have the feeling that I broke this game :worried:)

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@thomas15v was banned for being call Thomas.

@DotDash was banned for a filthy implementation of Sponge lol

@TBotV63 was banned for a clean implementation of Sponge lol

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@DotDash was banned for posting twelve times lolz.

@thomas15v @Phaze_One @TBotV63 @BitByte @HeirOfChairs @The_Doctors_Life are all banned because they have been banned and yet can still post

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@The_Doctors_Life was banned for banning multiple people at once.

@TBotV63 was autobanned by the plugin GriefProtector (user has a TNT avatar)

@BitByte was banned cuz internetz

@TBotV63 was banned for also using the internet

@DotDash was also banned for using the internet

@BitByte was also banned for using the internet

@DotDash was banned for using the same ban reason twice.

@Quicksteve was banned for following the rules.