The Banning Game

@Kodfod was banned for stating the truth;

@Latouth Was banned for using a semicolon to end a sentence. Nuff’ said.

@Kodfod was banned for discovering that I’m Doctor :trollface:

nosecretmessageshere :3

@BitByte Banned for for not banning the person above you.

@Dracomeister was banned for not letting me defy common logic. :trollface:

@BitByte Banned for continuously trollfacing! :trollface:

@Dracomeister was banned for discrimination against trolls. :trollface:

@BitByte was banned for not being Doctor :trolleybus:

@IronManDoesMC was banned for HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

@Exstar was banned for ERROR 404: Error not found.

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@BitByte was banned for HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden.

@Exstar was banned for using non secured HTTP protocol. Use HTTPS!

@TheAcastus was banned for not mentioning to use a Comodo ECC Domain Validation Secure Server CA 2 certificate.

@Exstar was banned because lies.

@IronManDoesMC was banned for saying @Exstat lies, while he lied.

@TheAcastus was banned with no reason

@Exstar was banned for some reason I won’t bother mentioning so all of you scrubs will ask me what it is. :trollface:

@BitByte was banned for not telling us the reason. :trolleybus:

@IronManDoesMC was banned for: YOU WILL NEVER KNOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!! :trollface:

@BitByte was banned for being post #599