The Banning Game

@DotDash was banned for spelling “tagging” wrong.

@Ninniy was banned for correcting my grammar.

@DotDash was banned for saying I corrected their grammar, but I actually corrected their spelling.

@Ninniy was banned for not know that spelling is a part of grammar.

@DotDash was banned because grammar is the usage of words and and spelling is- you know what, you’re banned for starting a debate! :smiley:

@Ninniy was banned for having an incorrectly spelled username.

@DotDash was banned because it was intended.

@Ninniy was banned for continuing this thread.

@DotDash was banned for sorry :frowning:

@Ninniy was banned for editing their ban reason.

@DotDash was banned for being the only other person in the thread at the moment.

@Ninniy was banned for nothing.

@DotDash was banned for

@Ninniy was banned for linking an image.

@DotDash was banned because cake is a lie!

@Ninniy was banned for referencing an old joke.

@DotDash was banned because references are great.

@Ninniy was banned because @DotDash has finished banning.

@DotDash was banned because I will also finish now.

@Ninniy was banned for being in a ban war with @DotDash.