Hisys [1.1.0] - Store inventory on death

Hey I Saved Your Stuff (HISYS) is a plugin inspired by the graves minecraft mod. Whenever a player dies with HISYS installed on a server, a chest will be placed at their death location with the contents of their inventory.
HISYS is built on spongeapi 5.0.0

Planned Features:

  • Config for whether a player keeps inventory or drops it if a deathchest fails to be placed
  • Config for whether or not to store a player’s experience in a deathchest

source code


The player died. The chest with the things installed… The same set of things lying around. Typing /back, the player will double your set of things.

Sorry about that, I was testing the input of contents into the chests using keepinventory on to make it easier and didn’t realize I never turned it off. I’ll have a fix up asap.


One thing to consider is what happens when the chest spawns in a location that the player can not create a chest in?

I’d probably use a player cause, and if the event is cancelled just give the player the items back without leaving a chest, or alternately, attempt to place an entity they can interact with instead.

If you change peek to poll, fixes the problem immediately.

Hysis 1.0.1 is now released to fix players dropping their inventory as well as a chest containing their inventory being placed. I also changed the name of the jar so instead of PluginName-PluginVersion.jar it is now PluginName-SpongeApiVersion-PluginVersion.jar
Download it here

@pie_flavor I already knew how to fix it, was just a minor mistake on my part.

@ryantheleach I think Ideally I’d like to try to search for a location in a certain radius to place the chest, and if that fails just drop the items as normal. I don’t like the idea of just giving the players their items back because well here’s a common example of how the chest could be denied placing is in protection plugins. A player could just die in protected land to get their inventory back with no effort at all.

do the dropped chest decay after a certain time or would this cause random chest to be laying around the server due to player deaths until manually destroyed?

Not currently, I might actually make it so that death chests are not interactable so that you’re forced to break them to retrieve your items.

that actually sounds like the best idea. so they don’t have to worry about it despawning and the server stays clean. i like that idea

I get what you are saying about dying in a protected area, but my concern is exactly the opposite.

What happens when a player is trapped in a protected area unable to escape except death? What happens if a player is trapped in another players land where there is hoppers setup for the express purpose of collecting drops from players?

I’d sooner have happier players then deal with the crying over drops, which is why I’m interested in having a deathchest in the first place. (And this is coming from someone who ran a PvE noNaturalRegen server.)

DeathChests are the compromise for keepinventory in the first place, attempting to keep some challenge / fairness, It’s mainly protected areas that I’m worried about, not so much lava/cactus/falling out of the void deaths which should be suitably scary.

In regards to random chests laying around, the easiest fix to that is to make them lootable by anyone after a certain time limit.

That really doesnt solve the problem. I have it set that way anyway. The only reason I use the death chest is to avoid drops despawning so when a player dies on the server it kind of becomes a race to the chest between the players interested in his items.

Problem is they loot the chest and then leave it sitting there empty. Almost no one breaks the chest after they loot it. Which is why having it so breaking the chest is required to get the items is the perfect solution

Or give the money for the scrapping of the chest. I use EconomyLite + JobsLite (not working due to breaking api). I’m not sure. Need to check.

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What happens with armour (and second-hand) items if the player has a full inventory and then dies? Are those items lost or are they stored in another chest?

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There is a double chest.

HISYS 5.0.0-1.1.0 is now released


  • Add Config option to disable deathchest functionality on a per-world basis
  • Players can no longer open deathchests to retrieve the contents and must now break the chest.
  • A player must be the owner of the deathchest to be able to break it.
    Download it here

Offer to put in a chest experience. Add a parameter in config.

I’ll add that onto the todo list for when I’m able to update this again.

Thank you for creating and sharing Hisys, @RysingDragon.
Storing also EXP in the chest sounds like a great add on. Looking forward to it :slight_smile:

one final request to make it perfect for me, allow the chest to be breakable by everyone option

@RysingDragon Is it possible to give access to other people’s chests, server administrator? And yet, there is a way to take other people’s things using the funnel! Can this be avoided?