HuskyCrates - A Free, Straight-Forward and Feature-Filled Crates Plugin!

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, HuskyCrates. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


Do you know that plugin called CratesReloaded that costed money to just allow you to use some cool crate GUI with some fancy-smancy particle effects? Well, I’m bringing that to Sponge, and for free! Because I’m not greedy and partially because I can’t sell this on the forums. :3 andbecauseiwouldn’tanywayunlesssomeonecommisionedit

But yeah, this is a crate plugin. Go look at the media, since I’m one of the devs that do that on this site.


Update to this section coming soon, for now check the wiki out for more info. Also, check out these fancy pictures! :slight_smile:


Config Explanation + Colorfulness…


Roulette Crate!!


Multiple crates!

Entity Crates!

Donate on Patreon

Why should I donate, codeHusky?
Well, if your server is making money off of the keys from this plugin, and doing quite well from it, I can only ask you to donate to me on Patreon. It supports development of this plugin which in turn helps you keep making money and helping your server. You could pretty much think of it like this: I help you make money, and in turn you encourage me to keep helping.

You aren’t required to donate, though. :slight_smile: But hey, pizza is always nice.

Donate here.
Don’t like Patreon for whatever reason?

Use click here.


I am aware that GPLv3 allows you to redistribute this plugin wherever you want for the most part. While you can do this, I would like to personally request that you do not make a forum topic or mod page for this plugin on other sites without letting me know. I kinda want to manage how my plugin is portrayed, so I’ll most likely post it myself there if you ask. Thanks!~

Discord Support / Suggestions

Click here!

Remote Connection Notice

HuskyCrates will contact the GitHub API to see if it is up to date. If it is not, it will warn the server owner in the logs. That is currently the only “phoning home” this plugin does.


A new version has been released for HuskyCrates, it is available for download here.

  • Fixed a small bug related to crate-specific lang data

What happened to this? 404 when connecting to ORE page and it isn’t on ur profile… Needing an API5 crate.

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