Please help me set up a plugin

i have the ultimate essentials plugin downloaded and in the mods folder for my sponge folder, the server was already set up when i added the plugin, i restarted the server but it didnt detect the plugin, is there something i need to do to enable it> its config files have not shown up either

Ultimate essentials? Could you send a link to this plugin?

Just did a quick look on google and found the spigot plugin.

Sponge can not run spigot plugins at all, sponge can only run sponge plugins.

You can download sponge plugins from ore
As for ultimate essentials, try Nucleus (found on Ore)

wasnt ultimate essentials, it was this one Nucleus / Nucleus

Ah, in that case. Could you send the log of your server on pastebin and send the link of that pastebin to here?

You can find the log of your server at


they exceeded the limit, but i just need to know how to enable it, i didnt get any errors when opening

I wanted to know if sponge tried loading it or not. I just need the log until it says “Done”. Try copying and pasting the start of the log

ok this is about 1/3 the log [13:39:20] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting tracing printstreams for STDOUT/STDERR -

Right. So sponge and Nucleus is detected, however you are running mc 1.10.2. Your sponge version is correct however the Nucleus you have is for 1.12.2.
I personally dont use Nucleus so I can not be much more help then that.

FML is saying

no coredata found

Version of server as indicated in filenames and report: 1.10.2
…for Minecraft 1.10.2 loading
…spongeforge-1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2793.jar has core plugin org.spongepowered.mod.SpongeCoremod

Version of Nucleus you are trying to load: 1.12.2
…Examining for coremod candidacy Nucleus-1.4.2-S7.0-MC1.12.2-plugin.jar

You need to download an older Nucleus version specific to 1.10.2 from the nucleus archives

ok, i got thank