Port of OldCombatMechanics

While skimming through spigot’s rather vast collection of plugins, I came across a gem that appears to alter 1.9+ combat to be like 1.8 and back combat.

I just thought it would be something interesting to port to sponge.


I may port it myself later. I’m just posting it here for record keeping and if someone else want to take a stab at it.

Here is the github for it that I found. https://github.com/gvlfm78/BukkitOldCombatMechanics

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I’ve never understood myself why any server owners preferred a system oriented around spam-clicking to one that takes skill, not to mention isn’t quite as easy to cheat at.


If you’re using Sponge Forge, there’s a mod called ClassicCombat that does this. I use it.

Impossible via sponge api until #1428 implemented.