Project Borders

Can anybody tell me, how to use this plugin?

Hi trentech!

With your plugin, is it possible to have a rectangular worldborder ? I have a map, and I would to limit Z value, but have a much more X value. Example: world coo z -6000 / 6000 and x -12000 / 12000

Thanks. good work ! :slight_smile:

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A trim feature would be nice, if for example having a world with radius 12000 already pregenerated, but then deciding to make that world have a border at 1/2 the distance out without impacting any players-- deleting the chunks beyond the border that were prefilled would then free up a huge amount of disk space that could be put to use pregenerating an additional world :slight_smile: We all seem to miss the bukkit worldborder plugin with its invisible-snap fence and flexible border system, and for the purpose of simplicity moving the mojang square border to size is fast and easy, and excludes the possiblity of rectangular shaped borders and round borders but is a price to pay for a visible border and fewer calculations each tick.

But cleaning up areas of the map is the missing mirror function to pregenerting to the edge of it :slight_smile:

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This plugin is very good.

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Is there not an API 5.2.0 version of this?

Latest version is backwards compatible with 5.x

alright, cool. is there a way to set borders different per dimension? such as having a larger End?

Any plans on adding trimming chunks/regions outside the border to save and reduce space for messy outside borders?

i feel so stupid asking this question. but how do i download this? the download page makes no sense. i can download the dev builds but i just want the latest recormented build…

Hello there. Can you add a function to delete already loaded chunks outside the borders?